Instructions for Speakers – Compressors 2017
8.8.2012, SZ CHKT
There will be parallel technical sessions during conference. Most sessions will be 100 minutes long. The morning sessions will be 60 minutes long. Each session will typically consist of:
- Oral Session Opening Lecture (20 min.),
- Oral Session Lecture (15 min.), or
- Oral Session Short Lecture (5 min.), accompanied by a Poster.
There will be time for 1-2 questions in between the opening and “regular” lectures (3 minutes). There will also be time for speakers to change, and for the audience to change rooms (2 minutes). Time left at the end of each session may be used for a common discussion of all lectures. In the case of 5-minute short lectures, further discussion at the poster of the paper will be possible immediately after the session (during breaks). The posters will be displayed during the entire conference period on predetermined boards placed directly in the session rooms, or in front of the session rooms, where the short lecture is scheduled.
The official language is English. No translation will be provided during the sessions.
Speakers check-in
All speakers should upload their presentations on a computer in the session rooms during the coffee or lunch breaks prior to their sessions. Please use a USB memory stick to provide the presentation(s).
Conference will accept only presentation material in MS PowerPoint format. No overhead projectors will be available. Conference will not allow the use of speakers’ own laptops for presentations.
Conference will enforce a “non-commercialism” policy. No presentations containing commercialism will be allowed. Please use your company or university logo and name only on the first slide. You can check during coffee breaks whether your slides are in an acceptable format.
All speakers are requested to check in early and receive their badges and other essential conference materials. The badge is required for all the conference activities. The Registration Desk will be located in the lobby of the second floor of the Prague Congress Centre, and will be open between 8 am and 7 pm.
Oral lecture
It is highly recommended that you practice your talk prior to the presentation at conference: above all, please make sure that the presentation will be completed within the allowed time.
All presenters must meet in the room at least 15 minutes prior to the beginning of the session, in order to upload the presentations. Please introduce yourself to the session chairs and to the other presenters in the same session.
Due to limited time, the introduction by the session chairs for each presenter will be very brief. Please prepare a short note about all authors on website during the registration.
When it is time for your lecture, go to the podium immediately when the previous speaker has finished the presentation and answered questions. The session chairs will introduce your lecture and ask you to start your presentation. Please start your presentation considering the following:
- Start immediately on the topic and avoid another introduction by yourself.
- Pace your talk to end at the scheduled ending time.
- Obey your chairman's instructions.
- When a warning sign indicating that 3 minutes remain, start concluding your presentation.
During the time for discussion, listen carefully to the questions from the audience and answer them briefly. If you cannot answer the questions briefly, ask for a private discussion after the session.
Poster presentations
Posters will accompany the short oral lectures, to allow for further discussion of the paper at the poster.
Display board
Please bring your poster to the Registration Desk, where your poster will be registered and you will receive further instructions. Each poster will be inspected for commercialism; any overt commercialism will be deleted from the poster.
Poster size (display board usable size)
Height: 1.8 m, Width: 0.97 m.
Please note that these dimensions may not be exceeded under any circumstances.
The boards will be numbered (paper number) and placed directly in the session rooms, or in front of the session rooms, where the short lecture is scheduled.
The posters will be displayed during the entire conference period. Therefore, we kindly ask you to attach your poster to the display boards as soon as possible and no later than noon of the first conference day. You are kindly requested to remove your poster on the last conference day.
Poster Sessions
Each poster will be presented in a short oral lecture during the Technical Sessions. See the instructions for oral presentations above. Unless there is time left at the end of each Session, further discussion of the paper at the poster will be possible immediately after the session (during breaks).
Design of poster
A poster is a strong visual medium and things that can easily be illustrated should be given priority. Think of the poster as a way of attracting people to read your paper and to talk to you about it: Therefore, a poster is not an enlarged version of your paper, but the highlight of your paper.
In general, the poster (max. Height: 1.8 m, Width: 0.97 m) should include one-sentence statements that summarize your work. You should have one or two sentences of introduction, a brief description of the research method, results and conclusions. Please remember that people are graphics driven. It is much easier to communicate with audience by figures, charts, and tables than text. A photograph of yourself will help people to identify you to discuss your work
The message you want to give to these delegates must be visible from a distance of 2 m, so use an appropriate font size. The recommended size is 36 for text, when you print in real size. The layout should be signed so a viewer can quickly and easily understand. You can test this by printing out parts of the poster, mount it on the wall and ask your colleagues if they can read it. When planning the contents of your poster, think about two main groups of viewers. The first group is people walking through the exhibition reading the titles, the one-sentence summary, and perhaps one or two attractive figures. The other group is experts in your own field, who will appreciate the details of what you have done. After you have managed to attract someone’s attention, no matter which group he or she comes from, you will have the chance to include even the smallest details in the discussion
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