How to Submit an Abstract
28/10/2012, SZ CHKT
To submit an abstract for the conference Compressors 2024 follow these steps:
- Go to the website of the conference
- In the left navigation under sponsors, open the category "Submissions" and click the link "Add submission"
- You will be prompted to log in or create an account
- If you already have an account on, you can login using your login credentials or request new ones if you forgot your password
- If this is the first you use the website, you will need to create an account
- Fill in the form on the right with your contact information and choose a username
- Type in the verification code from the picture
- Click "Create account" to submit the form
- You will be prompted to enter your login credentials, which were sent to you by e-mail after you submitted the previous form
- Once you log in, you will see a form where you can enter the information about your submission, including authors, title, abstract and keywords
- After you fill in the required information, click "Save"
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