Instructions for Moderators
10/1/2021, SZ CHKT
Introduction of papers
Before each paper presentation, the moderator should introduce the paper and presenter. Start of presentations should be exactly at the scheduled times.
Due to the short time, only the presenter name, institution, and country are expected to be introduced.
End of presentations
After the presentation, moderators are recommended to read any questions asked by conference attendees in Slido. Links to Slido are available in a spreadsheet sent to moderators by email.
In case there are no questions on Slido, moderators should have at least one prepared.
20 seconds before the next presentation, you should start to conclude the presentation.
End of sessions
There will be a possibility for authors to answer any remaining questions received on Slido after the session and before the coffee break.
Further instructions for speakers
Instructions regarding the technical organization and timing of presentations are available here.
Kategórie dokumentu
Všetky kategórie
- Certifikácia
- Chladenie
- Chladivá
- Covid-19
- F plyny
- Inštrukcie pre autorov
- Kalibrácie
- Leaklog
- Podujatia
- Pomocník
- Postup podávania príspevkov
- Prezentácie
- Príručky
- RA4L
- Recyklácia
- Servisná konferencia 2013
- Spájkovanie
- Spolupráca
- STN EN 13313
- Summit tepelných čerpadiel 2022
- Technické noviny
- Tepelné čerpadlá
- VTS news
- Vykurovanie
- Vzdelávanie