Guidelines for Preparation of Manuscripts
8/8/2012, SZ CHKT
Papers presented at the 11th IIR International Conference on Compressors will be published in the Congress Proceedings in electronic format. The entire manuscript (i.e. text, figures, tables, references and abstracts) should not exceed 8 pages, or 12 pages for plenary lectures. In order to standardize manuscript presentation, authors are asked to follow the instructions below.
Click here to download the manuscript template.
The manuscripts should report on original research or on technical developments and their applications. They should contain quality scientific or technical information. Manuscripts of a commercial nature will be rejected and will not be authorized for presentation. The process of validation and acceptance and/or rejection of papers shall be under the authority of a Program Committee, which will not be held responsible for any errors appearing in the final text. Authors assume sole responsibility for their manuscript, both for its form and its substance, and are invited to check their manuscripts thoroughly before submittal.
Manuscripts should be written in English. The terminology of the IIR’s International Dictionary of Refrigeration should be used as much as possible.
Commercialization in the manuscript and during oral presentation is not permitted. Manuscripts are meant to advance the general state of the art. A conference is not the place to promote sales. If included in the manuscript, commercialization will either be rejected or deleted.
Manuscripts should feature an abstract of at 150–250 words in the language of the manuscript. Manuscripts should be submitted in English.
"Times New Roman" or a similar font should be used, along with 10-point type, black ink and single spacing between lines. Paragraphs are not to be indented.
All text of the manuscript must be located within a 170-mm by 252-mm rectangle of an A4 page, with margins as indicated in Table 1.
Table 1. Page margins for manuscripts presented at IIR conferences
Margin Position | Top | Bottom | Left | Right |
Margin size (mm) | 20 | 25 | 20 | 20 |
The title of the manuscript should be in font size 14, centered in capital letters and boldface type; one blank line should be included above and below it.
The number of authors should be limited to four (4), except in exceptional circumstances. The initial of the author's first name should be given first, followed by his last name. The lead author's complete mailing address including the fax number and e-mail address should be given, including his/her company or organization. It is to this address that correspondence is to be sent. The address and affiliation of a second author may be mentioned, if judged necessary. Asterisks should be used to indicate which address goes with which author. The address(es) should be centred and in lower-case letters. The different parts of the address(es) should be separated by commas and if more than one line is necessary, the various lines should be of roughly the same length.
Numbered (i.e. 1., 2., 3., etc.) with the exception of the abstracts
All titles of sections should be aligned left, in boldface capital letters and numbered (i.e. 1.1., 1.2., 1.3., etc.). A blank line should be placed above and below the titles.
Sub-section headings should be in small, boldface letters and justified left. A blank line should be placed above, but not below, them.
Sub-sub-sections should be avoided. If they are used, they should be justified left, in normal lower-case letters, with the text beginning to the right of the sub-sub-section heading.
Authors are asked to add a one-line left-justified header and footer on each page of the manuscript.
The header and the footer shall be placed 12.7 mm from the bottom edge of the page. Leave the header and the footer – the editors will insert the paper ID and sequential pagination there
Authors are asked not to number the pages.
The SI system of units should be used.
Equations should be aligned left, numbered in order (i.e. (1), (2), (3), etc.) down the right-hand side of the page and cited in the text with its number, e.g. eq. (1). Equations should be separated from the text above and below by a blank space 10-points.
If necessary, a symbol-nomenclature glossary should be placed at the end of the manuscript.
Each table should be numbered (Tables 1, 2, 3, etc.), with the caption being placed above the table. Each figure should be numbered (Figures 1, 2, 3, etc.), with the caption being placed below the figure. Figures and tables should be incorporated in the text and should not run into the margins. In the text, figures and tables should be named as follows: Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3, etc. and Table 1, Table 2, Table 3, etc.
Fonts used in figures should be large enough to be legible.
Within the text of a manuscript, bibliographical sources should be cited by giving the last name(s) of the author(s) and the year of publication. The year should always be in parentheses, whether or not the name of the author(s) is.
The two possibilities are illustrated as follows:
- Albert (1957) showed that the blend was azeotropic.
- or: It was shown that the blend was azeotropic (Albert, 1957).
When there are two authors, the names of both should be cited, e.g.:
- Albert and Klaus (1981) observed that the blend was azeotropic.
- or: It was observed recently that the blend was azeotropic (Albert and Klaus, 1981).
When there are three or more authors, only the lead author of the source should be cited. The names of the other authors should be designated by et al. in italics, e.g.:
- Lee et al. (1982) developed a new blend.
- or: A new blend was developed (Lee et al., 1982).
When the same author and the same year of publication are cited from more than one source, the sources should be distinguished in the text by adding the lower-case letter "a" to the year of publication of the first source cited, "b" for the second source, and so on, as shown hereafter:
- Klaus (1980a) discovered...
- and further on in the text:
- Klaus also pointed out (1980b) that...
The sources cited in the text should be listed in order at the end of the manuscript.
Sources should be in alphabetical order of the author's name or of the lead author if there are several authors. They should be numbered 1., 2., etc. so that the number of sources will be readily apparent.
The sources should be presented as follows:
1 - Article from a periodical
Name(s) of the author(s), first name initial(s), year of publication, title of article, title of periodical in italics and abbreviated according to international standards, volume number, issue number (between brackets), first and last page.
- e.g. Herbe L, Lundqvist P. 1997, CFC and HCFC refrigerants retrofits, Int. J. Refrig. 20(1): 49-54.
2 - Paper published in conference proceedings
Name(s) of the author(s), first name initial(s), year of publication, title of article, title of the conference in italics, publisher of proceedings: first and last page.
- e.g. Forbes Pearson S. 1996, Uses of Hydrocarbon Refrigerants, Proc. Aarhus Conference, IIF/IIR: 439-446.
3 - Book
Name(s) of the author(s), first name initial(s), year of publication, title of the book in italics, name of publisher, place of publication, number of pages. Establishments can be considered authors when they assume main responsibility for the text and their publications reflect their collective reflections or activities.
e.g. Janna SW. 1986, Engineering Heat Transfer, PWS Publishers, Boston, 769 p.
4 - Book chapter
Name(s) of the author(s), first name initial(s), year of publication, title of chapter, In: name(s) and initial(s) of the co-ordinator(s), title of the book in italics, name of publisher, place of publication, first and last page.
e.g. Duminil M. 1995, Principes de la production du froid, In: Côme D, Ulrich. R. La chaîne du froid – Le froid au service de l'homme, Hermann, Paris: 33-144.
The manuscript should be submitted via the conference web site in Microsoft Word format (.doc) and Adobe Acrobat Reader format (.pdf).
It is recommended to use a manuscript template which is available for download on the congress web site
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