
Active shading system as a reduction of building cooling requirements

DOI: 10.18462/iir.compr.2024.0618

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Sekcia: Special compressors and components II

Stav prijatia: Príspevok prijatý

Meno Organizácia  
Michal Masaryk, prof., Ing., PhD. SjF STU Bratislava
Michal Masaryk jr., Ing. SjF STU Bratislava


This article deals with conceptual design and implementation of active shading system to reduce building cooling requirements. First, the problem of building overheating in the warm period of the year and the requirement of lighting in the building interior are explained. Then, the concept of automated shading system is presented as an efficient yet simple solution to this issue. Along with that, the initial phase of experimental verification, namely the design and additives used, is described. In conclusion, the results of the initial phase are discussed and the future application of the project along with its significance for civil engineering are explored.

Kľúčové slová

shading system, solar radiation, interior overheating