
25 Years Slovak Industry in CERN

Sekcia: Slovenský výbor pre spoluprácu s IIR

Stav prijatia: Príspevok prijatý

Meno Organizácia  
Stefan Molokac


I would like to present the activities of Slovak companies in CERN during the construction of the LHC and also our opportunities in the next period.
During last decade, Slovak Republic realized supplies in scale more than 24 mil. CHF.
The main field of activity concerned to
• construction and supply more than 1000 cryostat for LHC
• precise transport heavy objects – all cryosotats LHC were put into the place with full automatic
EQUIPMENT SETS from Slovakia

In the following period, we would like to continue in these activities and moreover we have a worldwide producers in Cryoscience products / tanks, dewars for LN, Ar, / and Fiber optics

Kľúčové slová

CERN , ILO, Slovak Industry, Return coefficient,