
Fatigue analysis of sintered connecting rod applied to reciprocating compressor

DOI: 10.18462/iir.compr.2017.0255

Sekcia: Reciprocating compressors II. Chaired by Marek Zgliczynski, Cesar J Deschamps, Oliver Javerschek

Stav prijatia: Nebol spracovaný

Meno Organizácia  
Fabio Lima Embraco
Ivan Bendik Embraco
Robert Reich Embraco


A reciprocating compressor cranktrain design is mainly based on the definition of its connecting rod, sintered component responsible for converting rotational movement from electrical motor into linear movement of the piston with adequate stiffness to guide the piston aligned through the cylinder bearing, absorb mechanism components geometrical deviations and survive the compressor envelope operating loads.
Hence, this important component fatigue behavior must be evaluated through numerical simulations (FEM), static experimental and accelerated reliability tests in order to predict possible failure modes caused by different operating boundary conditions characterized by the cyclic combination of bending tension and compression.

Kľúčové slová

Connecting Rod
Finite Element Analysis