
Safety in refrigeration, air-conditioning and heat pumps

DOI: 10.18462/iir.compr.2021.0404

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Session: Plenary Session

Accept state: Submission accepted

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Alexander Pachai Johnson Controls Denmark


“The times are they a-changing” as Bob Dylan was singing before even the ozone layer problem was discussed up to the signing of the Montreal protocol in 1987. Since the final phase-out of R-22 and the introduction of the F-gas regulation and later other initiatives such as the Kigali amendment to the Montreal protocol, the refrigeration industry has been looking for new solutions. In this tumulus situation we see accidents happening in parts with new fluids but also counterfeit blends of unknown composition. We are introducing new fluids and solutions but sometimes we forget to include the training and educations on all levels on how to design, build and install, service and maintain the new systems.
With new high temperature heat pump systems with temperatures over 120C and pressurised water loops coming up we have new potential risk for mistakes which at the end can end with fatalities. We have to learn how to prevent accidents, so we do not kill the new technologies before they are born.


Safety, Refrigerants, System safety, secondary system safety